Tools Radar 2018

Technologies, Platforms & Tools (Programming Languages, Database Technology, Frameworks, Libraries… ) Légende – Legende Blockchain & Smart Contracts Blockchain & smart contracts offer autonomous (shared) storage and autonomous computation in a network. Hence, no one can change the data or … Continue reading

Infrastructures Radar 2018

Infrastructure, Servers, Networking, Datacenter, Appliances, … Légende – Legende Blockchain Architecture & Infrastructures To bring a blockchain application live, we also need to consider architectural and infrastructural aspects Analytical DBMS DBMS optimized for the execution of analytical queries (rather than … Continue reading

Business Radar 2018

Business Goals, Problems, Opportunities… Légende – Legende   Digital Transformation “The creation of new business designs by blurring the boundaries between the digital and physical worlds due to the convergence of people, business and things” (Gartner).  New technologies like IoT, … Continue reading

Bitcoin – Van Experiment tot Ecologische Ramp

Op 22 mei 2010 kocht een software ontwikkelaar 2 pizza’s voor 10 000 bitcoins. Vandaag zijn 10 000 bitcoins ongeveer 40 miljoen dollar waard. Die astronomische stijging spreekt tot de verbeelding. Toch heeft dit succesverhaal een nauwelijks belichte keerzijde. De … Continue reading

Research Plan 2017 (FR)

NL versie Le Plan de recherche 2017 a été approuvé au conseil d’administration de Smals du 8 mars dernier. Pour cette année, nous avons décidé de mettre l’accent sur quatre axes : “Transformation numérique”, “Intelligence artificielle“, “Cryptographie et sécurité” et “Analytique”. Le research radar … Continue reading

Research Plan 2017 (NL)

version FR Het Plan Onderzoek 2017 werd goedgekeurd op de Raad van Bestuur van Smals van 8 maart jl. Voor dit jaar werd besloten de focus te leggen op 4 assen: digitale transformatie, artificiële intelligentie, cryptografie & security, analytics. De research radar 2017 diende hierbij … Continue reading

Tools Radar 2017

Technologies, Platforms & Tools (Programming Languages, Database Technology, Frameworks, Libraries… ) Légende – Legende Blockchain & Smart Contracts Blockchain & smart contracts offer autonomous (shared) storage and autonomous computation in a network. Hence, no one can change the data or … Continue reading

Business Radar 2017

Business Goals, Problems, Opportunities… Légende – Legende Cloud security Sub-domain of Cloud Computing, encompassing all aspects related to the security of and cryptography in the cloud, whether private, public or hybrid. Cyber Security Technologies, processes and practices designed to protect … Continue reading